Now booking weddings for 2025 & 2026!

The availability page is updated daily, and reflects weekend availability for our peak wedding season. If you are interested in a weekday or off-season date, please reach out. We would love to connect with you! Be sure to check venue pricing as well to confirm our venue is the right fit for your budget.

The venue is closed from the week of Thanksgiving to the second week of April each year due to snow.

Background photo by Lizzie Tilles Photography.

2025 Wedding Availability

  • May 2025

    Fridays - 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th

    Saturdays - 3rd, 17th & 24th

    Sundays - 11th, 18th & 25th

    Memorial Day is available

  • June 2025

    Fridays - FULLY BOOKED!

    Saturdays - FULLY BOOKED!

    Sundays - all available

  • July 2025

    Fourth of July is available

    Fridays - 11th, 18th & 25th

    Saturdays - FULLY BOOKED!

    Sundays - all available

  • August 2025

    Fridays - 1st & 29th

    Saturdays - FULLY BOOKED!

    Sundays - 3rd, 10th & 17th

  • September 2025

    Labor Day is available

    Fridays - 12th & 19th

    Saturdays - FULLY BOOKED!

    Sundays - 14th, 21st, 28th

  • October 2025

    Fridays - all available

    Saturdays - 25th

    Sundays - all available

2026 Wedding Availability

  • May 2026

    Fridays - all available

    Saturdays - all available

    Sundays - all available

    Memorial Day is available

  • June 2026

    Fridays - all available

    Saturdays - 13th, 20th & 27th

    Sundays - all available

  • July 2026

    Fridays - all available

    Saturdays - all available

    Sundays - all available

  • August 2026

    Fridays - all available

    Saturdays -all available

    Sundays - all available

  • September 2026

    Labor Day is available

    Fridays - all available

    Saturdays - 12th, 26th

    Sundays - all available

  • October 2026

    Fridays - all available

    Saturdays - 3rd, 17th, 24th & 31st

    Sundays - all available

Weekday and off-season dates are not included in this list. If you are interested in a weekday, November, or April wedding, please reach out!